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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Perspective: A fitting beginning

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, probably modification of Old Italian prospettiva, from prospetto view, prospect, from Latin prospectus — more at prospect
Date: 1563
1 a : the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically : representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance b : a picture in perspective
2 a : the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed ; also : point of view b : the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance
3 a : a visible scene; especially : one giving a distinctive impression of distance : vista b : a mental view or prospect
4 : the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions

This topic fits quite comfortably with the title of my blog, right now I am viewing life from the bottom of the mountain. It wasn't always this way, which is what makes it more difficult now. I can't say I was ever on top of the mountain, per say. However I could look out and see the view and it was pretty darned nice! But now I stand, back at the beginning, feeling a little like Disney's Anastasia (the song from the movie running through my head). And I look up to the top of the mountain. I know one day we will be back there again, but today it starts with one step, one foot in front of the other - focused on the destination. But not too focused that I can't learn and enjoy the journey. That's an important lesson too.

I think perspective is an important part of any journey. Your perspective can become many things, one how you look at the situation, and another how people look at you. I think it's important in this time of economic upheaval that we all approach life with a perspective of hope and compassion to one another and most importantly ourselves. Sometimes we forget to be kind to ourselves, which can directly impact our perspective on things that are going on with us.

Most days this is a difficult concept, I don't know how many times I have talked with family members and when they ask me how I am doing the only words out of my mouth are simply "Trying not to freak out". Because in the end I realize that freaking out will only worsen the situation and cause unnecessary drama in a journey that I need to get things accomplished and not curl up into a ball and cry in a corner somewhere.

So I have chosen to focus more on my perspective of the situation. For my husband, for my daughter, and most importantly - for myself.

"perspective." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010.
Merriam-Webster Online. 12 January 2010

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